Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Our Shows are Formidable!

Life is full of surprises - not least of which is the kind of thing that goes on when doctors take to the stage.

Performers Night this year will again be at the wonderful Camelot Lounge in Marrickville and will feature, among others, the notorious Dow Jones and the All Ordinaries as well as a return visit from the Westmead Hospital film makers - this time the psychotherapists' dream team. By special request there will be a return performance by last years highlight Isabel McTigue and her flaming hula hoops. New acts and old ...at Camelooooot. (Doesn't it just make you want to burst into song!)
Camelot Lounge Cnr Railway Pde and Marrickville Rd Marrickville
Thursday 4th September - BE THERE!

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