I couldn’t resist this paragraph
from an article in this week’s New Yorker about transcranial direct current
stimulation (tDCS).
What a great piece of writing!
The human drive to zap one’s head with
electricity goes back at least to antiquity, and was originally satisfied by
means of electric fish. “Headache even if it is chronic and unbearable is taken
away and remedied forever by a live torpedo placed under the spot that is in
pain,” the first-century physician Scribonius Largus wrote. He also used the
torpedo, a species of ray native to the Mediterranean, to treat hemorrhoids. In
the eleventh century, the Islamic polymath Avicenna reportedly recommended the
placement of an electric catfish on the brow to counteract epilepsy. As late as
1762, a Dutch colonist in Guyana wrote that “when a slave complains of a bad
headache” he should put one hand on his head and another on a South American
electric eel and “will be helped immediately, without exception.”